(The following is an extension of last week's discussion, for your examination, particularly in light of the WCMF #19)


•Ideal geographic location - close proximity to Guadeloupe and Martinique where most patrons of major music festivals reside

•It's strong Creole language roots and culture in base – ideal cultural position

•Numerous talented musicians and the proliferation of artists/bands with international reputation

•Several Dominican association and embassies in the US, Britain, Martinique, Guadeloupe, USVI

•Have developed a reputation as the cultural capital of the OECS

•Unique major music festival which highlights Creole music and culture (WCMF)

•Very low crime rate

•A proliferation of bars around the city and suburbs

•Large diasporas base who visit the island annually

•Four recording studios with standard equipments

•A functioning commission for festivals within the Ministry of Tourism

•Aesthetic differentiation - Creole Music

•Strong Carib Heritage (folk lore and music)

•Presence of regional and international of media at national festivals (CMC, BET, MTV and BBC)

•Many village fest for which music forms the major components


•Shortage of formally trained musicians

•Limited airlift capacity and accommodations for visitors

•Weak branding and merchandising

•Shortage of sponsorship and lack of private sector involvement

•Limited financial resources from government

•Non implementation of Cultural policy

•Culture of tardiness and indecisiveness at all levels

•Music is still considered by many as a past time and not a product which should be marketed

•Music not formally integrated in school curriculum and no National music school

•Electronic sound system used more frequently than live music in hotels

•Tour operators rarely offer music in offerings to tourist

•Shortage of technically trained music personnel

•Copyright law not enforced

•Lack of support for organised music association (AMP)

•No local TV channel or stations to expose music and other artists


•Legislature which would allow for at least 40% local music to be aired on local TV and radio stations

•Free movement of artistes within CARICOM

•Greater employment of entertainers within the tourism sector with decline in agriculture.

•To promote other mini festivals to national events

•Embrace and form linkages with renown Dominican musician in the Diaspora

•Music to be taught at CXC and GCE levels throughout secondary schools

•To take advantages of the cultural ties established with countries like China, Cuba and Venezuela(ALBA)

•Use of multimedia, internet for live streaming of music events regionally and internationally.

•Use of multimedia, Internet for live streaming broadcasting of music events

•Integrating music as part of the offerings of the Nature Island experience for cruise/stay over tourist

•Providing tax incentive to hotelier who employ live music for entertaining guests

•Encourage more Creole compositions

•Redesigning or rebranding of the nature island by incorporating music as part of the logo design.

•Enhancing the culinary, sporting and other events with traditional music

•Greater marketing the Carib village through culture, music and dance

•Enhance musical promotion in trade shows particularly in the neighbouring French departments.

Threats (Challenges)

•Other music festivals in the region

•Music Piracy

•Better facilities (airports, hotel accommodations) and greater financial resources than Dominica for marketing of the arts

•Rising public sector deficits

•Threats of Hurricanes and other natural disasters in June- November

•Legitimacy crisis(disconnect) between youths and music administrators

•Possibilities of other countries copying the Creole brand.

•Dilution of the music's authenticity with other genres

•External cultural influences of BET and MTV on youth preferences.

•Possible dilution of music authenticity with other genres such as hip hop and reggae

•Influence of DJ's, Radio stations and clubs who promote other forms of music

•Competition for jobs within by other regional musician in the single Market and economy arrangement (CSME.)