I Ron, a vessel of honour he was,

Paragon of a Christian man,

Shunning all vain duplicity

In an age of constant make-believe,

Shining a radiant light

In a dark, insidious world.


Creator-God's splendid carving

From a humble piece of clay.

Work of art of a craftsman,

Not etched in silver or gold,

But in the fabric of human flesh—

A diadem in rebellious days.


Man dwelling on the mountain-top

Yet fulfilling all duties of his state,

In intimate communion with his fellow-men,

Often in search of a trusted soul,

Serving others in sincerity and truth.


Splendour of a loving Father,

A life of blessed cheerfulness

Has crossed our sullen path.

We behold a blazing trail of light

That charmed our brother's heart.


Man of integrity, clothed in simplicity,

Championed the cause of righteous living:

A true model of generosity—

A treasure in these recalcitrant days.

Man of peace, fleeing all iniquity,

Intrepid warrior on a stormy sea,

Lays down his outworn armour.

Far from restless turbulence of a stressful world,

Now committed to the silence of the grave!