Health Wealth
Tyre burning at the landfill in Fond Cole
Dr. Janet TaylorMarch 24, 2015I was one the refugees who left Roseau on Friday, March 13 when I realized the billowing, black smoke wasn't a storm cloud but rather a fire out of control. ...
Health Wealth
Measles confusion
Dr. Janet TaylorMarch 3, 2015Confusion. That is one way to keep people guessing. Confusion. That is one way to keep people under control. Because, with confusion comes doubt and with doubt there is fear…and ...
Health Wealth
Heart Disease
Dr. Janet TaylorFeb. 10, 2015The conventional theory on heart disease emphasizes cholesterol control, exercise, drug therapy and surgery. During the last fifty years, the pursuit of the coronary artery theory has cost America as ...
Health Wealth
Listen to your body
Dr. Janet TaylorNov. 26, 2014Our bodies talk to us every minute telling us our state of health or disease. The problem is we are not taught how to understand the body's language or we ...
Health Wealth
Each-ness in the all-ness
Dr. Janet TaylorJuly 22, 2014Author and teacher, Eric Butterworth, once said, "I am an each-ness in the All-ness that is God". His words convey the idea that we are all essential elements of all ...
Health Wealth
Get some peaceful sleep
Dr. Janet TaylorJune 17, 2014Sleep deprivation affects almost everyone at some point in time. Our lifestyles often impinge on getting a good night's repose. Sleeping pills are a huge part of Big Pharma's millions ...
Health Wealth
Heart burn
Dr. Janet TaylorMay 21, 2014I remember my dad talking about "heartburn" and taking some drug for it. It wasn't until I entered Chiropractic College that I understood heart burn is another name for acid ...
Health Wealth
TV Snacks
Dr. Janet TaylorApril 25, 2014Snacks can pack on pounds and increase our sugar and salt quotas quickly. While sitting in front of TV, commercials abound showing nutrient deplete snacks that look…. oh so good.
Health Wealth
Woman Power
Dr. Janet TaylorApril 15, 2014Throughout my life I have been amazed by women's contributions to society albeit their lack of recognition for them in many cases. Here are some surprising and familiar inventions by ...
Health Wealth
Dr. Janet TaylorMarch 25, 2014Cucumbers are such fascinating veggies and can play a role in many other aspects of a person's lifestyle. Following is a list of tips and tricks you can do with ...
Health Wealth
Benefits of kissing
Dr. Janet TaylorFeb. 11, 2014As Valentine's Day approaches it may be wonderful to know the nine benefits of kissing. The average person spends more than 20,000 minutes, that 333 and a third hours of ...
Health Wealth
Amazing Coconut Oil
Dr. Janet TaylorDec. 10, 2013Can there be more to coconut oil than what we already are discovering about its health benefits? The answer is a resounding "YES!" We know it supports heart health, proper ...