• FILE PHOTO: Ministry of Health officials at a  Chikungunya press conference

    Here comes Zika

    If that's any satisfaction, Zika is much easier to spell than Chikungunya. But that's not a spelling bee contest.

  • Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

    Skerrit announces plans to build four hotels

    Government has approved plans for the construction of four tourism-related projects to be financed by the sale of Dominican passports, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced at a press conference last ...

  • Carol Severin-Abraham

    The destructive trail of Black Sigatoka

    Black Sigatoka has been leaving its destructive trail across Dominica, bringing with it, many changes.

  • Lindo Park project, making of the track

    Park Politics

    The image is clear. An imperfect oval of open ground, the colour of clay staring at you unapologetically, a flamboyant tree standing on the edge, bent but firm and showing ...

  • Noelize Knight Didier addressing UWI Open Campus Dominica Graduation 2015 ceremony

    Knight-Didier: Erase "It good so" attitude

    Twin cancers of unethical behaviour and widespread acceptance of mediocrity are eroding the social and economic fabric of Dominican society.

  • Political activist Athie Martin

    Expert: International Airport would be a nightmare

    Dominicans have this dream of coming in from New York or London and landing at an international airport. That's the observation of a development expert based abroad. What this expert ...

  • Police prepare for riot in Salisbury protest

    Salisbury explodes

    Salisbury was like a volcano today.

  • Norris Prevost at SMA, left, and today

    Norris Prevost: A man of many dimensions

    Norris Prevost is a familiar figure in Roseau.

  • Prime Minister Skerrit , left, and Leader of the Opposition Lennox Linton

    Promises to forget

    Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has not been known to be paucus with his pledges to move the country forward; or restrained with his promises of development. Mr Skerrit also has ...

  • FILE PHOTO: Man with placard outside Government Headquarters in Early 2000's demanding union representation

    Divided they fall

    For four decades and counting Kertiste Augustus, the man who now heads the island's largest private sector representative body, the Waterfront and Allied Workers Union (WAWU), has dedicated his life ...

  • Gordon Henderson sings with Ophelia in Cayene in 2008

    Exile in '15

    For Gordon Henderson and Exile One, the song, "Nous Travail Pour Ayen" (We Laboured in Vain)- a song about slavery- was a huge hit in the 1970s. For several years ...

  • Dr. Phillip Porter (WCC photo)

    The Reverend Dr Philip Alford Potter:outstanding Dominican Methodist Minister

    The Methodist Church Dominica Circuit announces the passing of the Reverend Dr Philip Alford Potter who died in Germany on March 30, 2015 at the age of 94 years. At ...