• Two former Presidents:Williams and Dr Liverpool and their wives attend Swearing in ceremony

    President Williams Disregarded

    Dominicans have been expressing their views on Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit's controversial decision to nominate House Speaker Alix Boyd-Knights as President of Dominica; she is to replace Eliud Williams who ...

  • Elections

    Toulon's Loud Silence

    Let's not call this hiding.

  • Local

    Williams President Again?

    Parliament will be meeting soon to select a new President because the one-year term of His Excellency President Eliud Williams ends in October. Parliament is expected to meet in September ...

  • Local

    Mixing Sports and Academics

    Sports and academics can "coexist" in the life of a student, Sports Coordinator Trevor Shillingford said as he witnessed the granting of the second Big Edge Billy Doctrove Sports Scholarship ...

  • Fitzroy Williams perfoms at a show in 2005

    Fitzroy Williams Planned for Life after Music

    In many ways Fitzroy Williams, the Cadence music icon, is unique. He has mastered the organ and has made music his life-long profession but, most strikingly, he began planning his ...

  • Spotlight

    What About Michel Raffoul: No One Cares

    Actually the above title, No One Cares, is from a calypso that I composed which took calypsonian Observer to the finals in the mid 90's. Also quite by chance, this ...

  • Local

    Fine and Confine

    Breeders of mosquitoes; collectors of garbage, Scottie's warning you. You may be fined and confined, if you break the law.

  • Local

    Busy at WCMF

    In a manner of speaking, they're moving forward by going back, shoring up the present by turning to the past. For all intents and purposes, the World Creole Music Festival ...

  • Fitzroy Williams perfoms at a show in 2005

    Fitzroy Williams: His Life as a Musician

    It would seem that Fitzroy Williams, a founding member of Exile One, was born to play music. Almost as soon as he could move his hands he was beating up ...

  • Local

    Hear Us, Oh Skerrit

    The list of ailments for which the private sector is seeking relief from the new budget, ranges from energy costs to visitor safety; from air access to the abaist nuisance ...

  • Local

    FAO: Dominicans Among Fattest in the Caribbean

    Dominica has emerged as one of the top four Caribbean countries whose adult population is obese, according to a report released by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

  • Elections

    Fontaine at Frontline for UWP in Grand Fond

    "The intention is to have a greater presence in Dominica," said Thompson Fontaine, the Dominican economist who, two year ago, quit his job at the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) ...