• Rev Dr William Watty at his book launch at the Fort Young Hotel in 2017

    Corruption - no doubt

    The recent attempt at legitimizing the transportation of voters to, or towards, the Polling Stations, by an amendment to the House of Assembly (Elections) Act, must be closely examined for ...

  • At the Roseau market on Market Day with a Difference 29 October 2016
    The View from Europe

    Caribbean food security and the private sector

    Gervase Warner, the Chief Executive Officer of Massy Holdings, was direct.

  • Farah Theodore

    Cannabis by any other name...

    The move to criminalise the cannabis plant in the USA involved the branding of it under the name marijuana, an assumed name blend of Maria (Mary) and Juana (Jane) names ...

  • A newly dug grave at the Roseau Catholic cemetery

    Digging Up the Dead

    It's been almost three months since Laurette Anthony-Layne laid her deceased grand aunt/ adopted mother to rest. But since that time, the Dominican national who resides in the United Kingdom ...

  • Ambassadors played in the DABA League from 1976 through 1981

    Ambassadors, Pioneers & Renegades

    Certain prerequisites are essential for the formation of a basketball team. Firstly, sufficient numbers of players are required. Secondly, the players need balls to train and practice with. Thirdly, an ...

  • OLE SKOOL during a time out in one of their earlier matches

    New Kids in an Ole Skool

    Part I of the article peeked into Ole Skool's formation and players who subsequently joined the team; some of their low-scoring encounters and credible performances; and their two Overtime winning ...

  • Chinese Ambassador Lin Xianjiang

    Firmly Oppose Any External Forces Interfering in China's Taiwan Affairs

    On 2 August, in disregard of China's strong opposition and serious representations, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited China's Taiwan region. This is a serious violation ...

  • Fans at the 2019 World Creole Music Festival

    Give it another name

    One former board member of the Dominica Festival Committee (DFC) planning team believes that this year's World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) should be renamed simply 'Music Festival.'

  • Farah Theodore

    Emancipation by any other name

    Knowledge is as good as the use we make of it. Can the same be said of freedom? Every year on August 1st, Emancipation Day is celebrated in many countries ...

  • Screenshot: Launching of TUD

    Bruno launches TUD

    With Calibishie's Atlantic Ocean breeze behind him as he spoke at a podium on Sunday, Alex Bruno quietly launched Team Unity Dominica (TUD), Dominica's newest political party.

  • Pascal shows his bat during an innings

    Sports Rising Star: Stephan 'AJ' Pascal

    From childhood, parents Augustine 'Beno' Pascal and Maria Etienne- Pascal always knew that they would be raising their son, Stephan 'AJ' Pascal, to be one of the greatest cricketers to ...

  • Renata Siegenthaler at the 2012 Independence Awards Ceremony at the Windsor Park

    Renata Siegenthaler: First nature, then the people

    A twenty-one-year legacy of helping Dominica's children has come to an end. But its founder, who has made the Nature Island her home, is content to enjoy the rest of ...