• WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

    Oh, Not Again

    Since coming out to his family and friends as a homosexual almost four years ago, Fred* (pseudonym) says that he developed a thick skin, and not once has he felt ...

  • The Late Dr. Griffin at the 2005 Independence Awards Ceremony

    Dr. Philip Norman Griffin: Friend, doctor, and a model Dominican

    Philip Norman Griffin was born to Dr. Charles Norman Griffin and Maria Fontaine (better known as Clarabel) in Petite Coulibrie, Bagatelle on 20th October,1926. He later moved to Grand Bay ...

  • Cover of Anthony Toulon's book

    A review of "The Gardens of Attainea Volume II: The ...

    Anthony Toulon's story of his life and times is a fascinating narrative of Dominica when life was innocent and pure and uncomplicated by modern amenities like smartphones and even smarter ...

  • George Andrew, left, and Bob Alexander

    Time-Out Granted Bob, George

    There is a popular saying, "April showers bring May flowers". In 2022 Dominica received quite a few showers in April, and by the end of May the once popular Giraudel-Eggleston ...

  • The late Sonia Llyod

    Sonia Lloyd dies

    When someone as unique in the field of culture as Sonia Lloyd was, almost everyone feels a sense of profound loss.

  • Former CARICOM Secretary General LaRocque

    Irwin Larocque receives top CARICOM award

    Dominica's Irwin LaRocque was among four CARICOM nationals who were conferred with the Order of the Caribbean Community (OCC), at the opening ceremony of the 43rd Regular Meeting of the ...

  • Dominica's team at the inaugural CARICOM basketball championship

    B-Ball Newsclips: 1980s & '90s

    This is the second 'chapter' in a mini-series of News Clips on Dominica's basketball and will be presented in four parts. 'Chapter I' covered the 1960s and '70s.

  • Alice Jno Jules an outstanding trailblazer of women's basketball in Dominica

    B-Ball Newsclips: 1980s & '90s

    Part I of this article covered Dominica's basketball happenings for the period 1980-1985. The article continues below.

  • Dominica's Team- Winners of the 2nd Windward Island's basketball tournament, 1976

    Basketball News Clips - 1960s & '70s

    Part II of the article presented basketball newsclips for the 5-year period 1969 through 1973. This chapter concludes below.

  • Missing child poster

    Hope Dies

    On day 21 of the search for missing 12-year-old Kernisha Etienne, Warner resident Earl Bruno says that his gut feeling indicates that they should no longer be looking for an ...

  • The late George Andrew

    Eulogy of George Andrew

    On behalf of the family, I welcome all of you and convey thanks for your presence at this Service of Thanksgiving and celebration of George's life. The many familiar and ...

  • The late Kyan Alexander

    Kidnapper Killed

    Police have killed Keyan Alexander, the man who abducted 12-year -old Kernisha Etienne but the public is not altogether satisfied