Unlimited I Create is all about entrepreneur Loretta Seaman, who founded the company to keep growing and evolving her innate talent to create just about anything.

Unlimited I Create is a small crafting business where Loretta's "main focus is personalising resin stainless steel and acrylic tumblers, which are my number one seller. I also do customisation of wine glasses, mugs, key chains, and other resin products. Glass etching and Lumineers are also part of my services provided."

Loretta knew the way to pursue her passion fully was through entrepreneurship.

"It started as a hobby," Seaman admitted, "I wanted to do my wedding décor. Before becoming self-employed, I worked as an In-house Sales Specialist. I used my Cricut for employee team building and small projects. I got laid off due to COVID and decided to monetise my skill."

Loretta registered her company, UNL I Create, on 27th April 2022 and says the entrepreneurship journey is a healthy mix of rewards and challenges.

"It is very difficult. Firstly, as we know, the economy is not as booming or promising as we thought," she said. "Also, you need financial backing to go into business, and the banks won't just give you a loan. So, for me, I was struggling from day one because everything was out of pocket."

Despite what seems to be insurmountable difficulties, Seaman stays true to her passion for designing.

"If you love what you do, you will do it regardless. Peace of mind is key for me, so I try, hoping things will get better one day because I am great at what I do and love it," Seaman said.

Feedback and support from customers form a key support network for Loretta on this journey. She has also benefitted from the support of DYBT.

"The reaction has been great. Every time I produce something, I want to keep it for myself," she laughed, "One of my slogans is 'if you think it, we create it', so we bring your ideas to life. And, ever so often, I am wowing myself with the products. My customers have never complained. I have never had bad reviews."

The time spent running her own company has opened Loretta's eyes to measures that can be put in place to make entrepreneurship more attractive to Dominicans.

"A lot has to do with government and support systems because there is ample talk about funding, but when you try to get the assistance, you get the runaround or put on a never-ending hold," she said. "It is really tough, and, to me, it's not a bad thing to be an entrepreneur, but you have to be strong-willed and having start-up capital/financial backing will give you a better chance of stability than trying out of pocket."

Despite what may seem to be a daunting venture, Seaman is encouraging up-and-coming entrepreneurs to "make sure you have the motivation. You have to be self-motivated. You need to know your market, do your research, and try your best to have start-up capital. And don't give up."

Loretta keeps her thumb on the pulse of the entrepreneurial industry. She is fully aware of healthy competition in her field, but this does not deter her.

"I was one of the first individuals to get a Cricut machine because even Customs officials did not know what it was," Seaman chuckled. "But it stayed unused for about a year because I did not have the start-up. Now I see fifty to sixty per cent competition; however, I stand out because I use FDA resin on my products, especially on my tumblers, which makes them last longer."

As for the future plans for this dynamic entrepreneur, who also utilises Shopdm, Facebook and TikTok platforms to showcase her products, "I would like to see my business grow. I want to be able to give back in terms of employing people. And, I would like my business and name to live on when I'm gone."