• The day of the Jackals

    Democracy has been described by the ancient philosopher, Plato, as "a charming form of government". And, indeed, it is a noble idea. There is much reason to commend it. However, ...

  • The role of the politician

    Every profession or calling in life bears a definition. The activity of the politician cannot be easily defined. In fact, many would claim that politics is not a profession at ...

  • Ill fares the land

    We are in deep trouble. This trouble has come upon us because we fail to understand ourselves and the society in which we live. Since we are not part of ...

  • Snakes and Ladders

    In the 1940's, the centre of intellectual, recreational and cultural life was the St. Gerard's Hall. Built by Redemptorist priest, Fr. Felix Bogart, it served the very important purpose of ...

  • A gentle society

    When we learn of the violence and bloodshed that consume many parts of the world, we pretend to be astounded. When we are brought face to face with the brutality ...

  • Wisdom and frivolity

    We are made for wisdom. However, many people are more prone to embrace frivolity. The search for wisdom is far from their minds. This is so not only for some ...

  • A new focus in education

    For some of us, the attendance at the sessions of the Nature Island Literary Festival has been very disappointing. One gets the impression that the organizers are living in a ...

  • Returning Dominicans

    I have long thought that a tremendous effort should be made to give the event of the immigration of Dominicans to the United Kingdom a prominent place in the history ...

  • Let justice reign!

    This is what the Lord asks of you:

  • Education for Life

    It is the end of the scholastic year. Examinations have taken place. Graduation exercises, accompanied by the colourful display of robed students, have graced the otherwise banal scene. Sterling oratorical ...

  • Human Progression

    The Commonwealth of Dominica is a small developing country. It hardly figures on a world map. Often, it is confused in the minds of foreigners with the Dominican Republic. In ...

  • Where have all the fathers gone?

    Any well-meaning person must realize that one of the most crucial problems in our society is the lack of paternal responsibility. If any real leader, social, political or religious, wishes ...