• Follow China's agrarian reform example

    I am still enthusing about geothermal energy because of its excellent safety record and the considerable revenue it will raise for numerous projects in the country.

  • We wonder why?

    The first stanza of Dominica's national anthem says:

  • Preying on the naive young high school students

    I would like to congratulate you and your incredible team at the Sun Newspaper fox' maintaining high professional standard of journalism. Indeed I am fascinated by your intriguing publication and ...

  • In response to Volney

    Mr. Herbert Volney in your various statements you have failed to note that:

  • Safety first at geothermal plant

    All the best for the New Year!

  • Reminiscing again!

    This time, while sitting on my verandah sipping a rumpunch, my mind switched down Memory Lane. I can remember clearly the first week of my medical clinics held at Wesley ...

  • When we were boys

    The Coocoos


    I never reread stuff I have had published as I never want to 'you shoulda and you shouldna' myself. You see, every day you get smarter or shoulda anyway. Last ...

  • Cruel behaviour

    I write in response to the excellent Commentary by Rev. Dr. William Watty in the 07/12/2015 issue of the SUN newspaper.

  • Diabetes: Sugar is the main culprit

    I write regarding the article above in the Sun newspaper dated 09/11/2015.

  • Do you hear laughter Pharaoh

    As a black Nican I am dumbfounded, astonished, astounded, amazed, staggered, surprised, startled, stunned, confounded, non-plussed, stupefied, dazed, dumbstruck, open-mouthed, speechless, 'at a loss for words', thunderstruck, goggle-eyed, wide-eyed, taken ...

  • Medical Students Cry Out

    The joy of every parent is to see their child grow, become educated and attain important positions in life, providing the opportunity to influence change in the lives of siblings, ...