• Goodwill Stars- See text for complete caption


    Part III of the article completed the presentation on the "Clouds Era" and began presenting on Starz (a.k.a. Goodwill Starz). The article continues below.

  • REDERICK DESCHAMPS played in Goodwill basketball with Clouds II, then Clouds I

    Goodwill's Basketball Journal

    Part I of the article presented on schools in Goodwill participating in the Sports Division Schools League and began presenting on Goodwill's teams in the national basketball league. The article ...

  • EGBERT CHARLES first played in Goodwill basketball with Saints, then Clouds II, followed by Clouds I

    Goodwill's Basketball Journal

    The suburb of Goodwill overlooks the generally calm waters of the Caribbean Sea, the rushing Roseau River and sometimes bustling downtown Roseau. The community is also associated with Dominica's main ...

  • RAKEEM CHRISTMAS while a member of NBA's Indiana Pacers

    Rakeem Christmas, Wesley's NBA Player

    A few years ago Dominica's Garth Joseph, then a former Flames Centre in the national league, made it to the NBA. This caught the attention of the local media and ...

  • ELECTRONS pose with 1974 Knockout Championship trophy (L-R): Cuthbert Robinson, Hubert Charles, George Daniel, Errol Blackman, Al Monelle, Eddie Royer

    Of Atoms & Electrons (Part II)

    Part I of the article presented on Atoms (1967-1970), including members of that team who represented Dominica. The article concludes below.

  • McFORD ZAMORE played with SMA, and Atoms & Dominica's State Team from 1967-1970

    Of Atoms & Electrons(Part I)

    In the world of science an atom is may times the size of an electron. And so it was with the Atoms and Electrons who ran our courts during the ...

  • All-ladies team of table officials, DABA 3x3 game, 2020. Photo: DABA Facebook Page

    Women 'Ballers Can Jump Too! (Part IV)

    Part III of the article presented on high-scoring women; women's teams meting out or conceding blowout defeats; and women basketballers representing Dominica (in part). The article concludes below.

  • Dominica's Women's Basketball Team, 3rd Place in Gillian Brazer Tourney, Antigua, 2006

    Women 'Ballers Can Jump Too! (Part III)

    Part II of the article completed the presentation on "on-and-off" representation; presented the longest serving women's teams; home-bases of women's teams; Women's All-Star Team and Women in 3x3; and awards ...

  • MICHELLE S, one of the pioneer women's basketball teams; early 1980s. Courtesy C. Severin-Abraham

    Women 'Ballers Can Jump Too! (Part II)

    Part I of the article presented on Dominica's first women's basketball team; level of participation of women's teams in the national league; about women's teams playing in lower men's divisions'; ...

  • In flight: Long Jumper LaFond at the Commonwealth Games

    Jumping to higher heights

    Thea LaFond, the Commonwealth triple jump bronze medalist has once again unleashed the jump of her life (14.52m) and in the process smashed her outright national record and logged the ...

  • PIONEERS, Dominica's first women's basketball team, 1980 photo


    In the year of Our Lord 2021 women's sporting disciplines at the national level in Dominica include netball, rounders, volleyball, track & field, football, cricket, and basketball. But up until ...

  • Washway Douglas (Centre) with Jacob Barry and Jarquan Hamilto of the OO Washers Programme

    Warshwoa, Possie's Mr. Basketball

    Part I of the article presented on some of Adenauer Douglas' involvement in basketball in Portsmouth and in DABA's national league, more specifically his involvement in basketball administration, and the ...