From Wuhan it sprang causing pain and fear

Bringing death and destruction too painful to bear

Boundaries it crossed in such quick time

Proving life to this virus is not worth a dime

Prince, Prime Minister and health worker

No one is spared, not Preacher , not Pastor

Directives given we must obey

That virus must be kept away

Wearing of masks we must not shun

Endangering others is not fun

Six feet from others we must not scorn

Or friends and relatives many lives will mourn

No hugging , no kissing , we must obey

Lest the virus with its tentacles claw its way

Into our bodies there to multiply

Our antibodies to defy

Body pains and fever take days to pass

Air cannot flow through lungs made of glass

It's a state more damning than Steve Hawkins black holes

Causing pain and torment to poor souls

From the East should come great wisdom and light

Not chaos and death and on earth a blight

From the East we are told the Wise men came

To worship the Saviour and to praise His name

Let us with praises follow their lead

Their Faith and Hope we need indeed

To destroy this scourge we must all fight

Praying and hoping we'll soon see the light