Felix Hayden Thomas 2014 General Election Candidate

Candidate Profile

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Ma Joseph’s Pre School, Mahaut Government Primary School, Saint Mary’s Academy, Clifton Dupigny Community College and Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in Toronto.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Former employee at DOWASCO and Dominica Consulting Engineers. Founder of CIRIS Ltd; member of the Project Management Institute, an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Building in England and former President and Vice President of Builders and Contractors Association.

PLANS for CONSTITUENCY: Entrepreneurial development, environmental sustainability, sports and recreation and agricultural development.

Felix Hayden Thomas

Election Results

2014 General Election Results

Mahaut Detailed Results
100% Reporting
Rayburn John Blackmoore (DLP) 53.9%
Felix Hayden Thomas (UWP) 46.1%

Fact-check: If you find an error, please contact us.