
  • MInister of Education Petter St. Jean, left, and Senator Ron Green

    Education: Passing or Failing

    The words are strong, the language is forceful, the sentiments are probably excessive, but the meaning is clear.

  • UWP senator Monelle Williams goes to Parliament for the first time as a senator

    Monelle Williams becomes Senator

    Monell Williams, the United Workers Party (UWP) candidate for the St. Joseph constituency has become Dominica's newest senator. Williams was sworn in by House Speaker Alix Boyd-Knights at a meeting ...

  • The law and sanitizing the electors list

    As early as December 19, 2009, the issue of Voter ID Cards and cleaning up of the electors list were listed as two important campaign issues for the 2014/2015 general ...

  • That electoral reform issue

    Last week there was another twist to the long and winding debate on electoral reform in Dominica when the opposition United Workers Party (UWP), after a meeting with the Electoral ...

  • Alex Birmingham

    David against Goliath

    The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) will soon be revealing the names of their candidates for the Vieille Case, Cottage and Mahaut constituencies as they intensify preparations for the upcoming ...

  • Bunch of Bananas

    Raymond Austrie: banana could still be king

    Call it the cry of a banana man.